Pigeons as hobby family

English: I recently visited the Nicolas Girard's site, my friend, and I saw a link to the blog of his brother, Thomas Couliau. The feeling you have in sharing the same hobby with your brothers is unique. Is a blessing. If you are the only one having this hobby, then family members thinking that you are a weird person.

Also, I saw a link to my own site. Thank you Nicolas!

Porumbeii ca pasiune de familie

Romanian: Am vizitat recent situl lui Nicolas Girard, prietenul meu si am vazut trecut in pagina de legaturi, blogul fratelui sau mai mic, Thomas Couliau care creste Tumbleri francezi si Tumbleri de Lausitz. Sentimentul pe care-l ai cand imparti aceeasi pasiune cu membrii familiei este unic. Este o binecuvantare.

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Observati ca pe modelul de voliera al lui Nicolas, fratele lui a "atasat" un sputnik (care de fapt, e voliera de plasa sau, "cotetul" vechi impreuna cu partea atasata, formeaza o voliera).


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