Originea bimoţaţilor lui Nicolas Girard

Nicolas Girard

D-le Tănăsescu, în mare parte aţi avut dreptate. Dar am avut şi eu. Iată schimbul de email-uri cu Nicolas:

Hi Nicolas,

I forgot to ask you, where you have your "Transylvanie tumblers"? You
have a "connection" in Romania?

Was a discussion on my blog about the provenience of your pigeons.
I moved the weblog from wordpress.com to blogger
(http://pigeons-ro.blogspot.com). Unfortunately, only posts, no
comments. But I have a copy of my entire blog on my computer. Also on
the old location, but closed for visitors (used like a backup).

Best regards, Vasile

Şi răspunsul lui Nicolas:

Hi Vasi,

No, my Transylvanie tumblers come from France, from a friend who practices
only expositions.

But this man was gone in Romania in 1997 to obtain several Transylvania
tumblers (1 pair), and the other pairs come from Germany.

Best regards


Este grozav că au încăput pe mâna lui Nicolas pentru că el este pasionat de sport aşa că porumbeii noştrii nu vor avea de suferit. Sau cel puţin îşi vor reveni dacă au fost ţinuţi captivi.


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